Spring Sale ends June 15th! All courses on sale

Terms and Conditions

You the student hereby assume all risks by agreeing to the following:

1.That I am voluntanly participating in the Firearms Training Course (class) by Aim Steady LLC. I understand the risks and hazards involved and I recognize serious and life-threatning injuries can occur while carrying and using a firearm, participating in class, or later from the materials presented, whether caused by the passive or active negligence of Aim Steady LLC, and the Shooting Range and its entities or otherwise.

2. I understand that it is my responsibility to consult with a physician prior to and regarding my participation in class. I represent that I am physically fit and I have no medical, psychological, or any other condition, which would prevent my full participation in the firearms class.

3. I realize that liability may arise from negligence or carelessness on the part of the persons or entities being released, from dangerous or defective equipment or property owned, maintained, or controlled by them or because of their possibIe liability without fault.

4. In consideration of being permitted to participate in the activities of the firearms training class, I agree to assume full responsibility for any and all asks, injuries, or damages, known or unknown, which I might icur as a result of participating in class

5. In further consideration of being permitted to participate in the firearms training my legal heirs, executors, administrators, next of kin, successors, or legal representatives knowingly, voluntarily, and expressely waive, release, discharge, hold harmless and promise to indemnify and covenant not to sue Aim Steady LLC or any representatives; their agents, facilities owner, director, shareholders, employees, instructors, volunteers,

or representatives from any and all injuries or damages of whatsoever kind and nature I may sustain as a result of participating in the firearms training class, or of direct or indirect use of the instruction of the class. I understand that this type or training may result in minor injuries such as bruises and lacerations.

6. I certify that I am over the age of twenty-one (21) years and I am legally entitled to own and use a handgun and/or firearm.

7. I agree that any provisions of this release are held to be invald, nevertheless, the balance or the release shall continue in full force and etfect.

8. I agree that if the instructor believes that I am or will be involved in criminal activity, the instructor will expel me front the class with no refund. I also agree to hold the parties covered in this waiver are not liable for slander and/or libel as a part of being expelled

9. I agree that if the instructor believes that I am or will be unsafe or dangerous, the instructor will expel me trom the class with no refund. I also agree to hold the parties

covered in this waiver are not liable for slander and/or libel as part or being expelled.

10. I understand that photos and video may be taken during the course and agree that my image may be used for advertising and that extreme close

up frontal facial angles and names will not be published without prior approval.

11. I understand that I must sign this release of liability and fully comprehend the structure and nature of the class, and also the risks involved before being allowed to participate in this class. I have read the above release and waiver of liability and full understand its contents. I have been informed of all risks involved and voluntary agree to the terms and conditions stated above.

***Reminders (also listed one USCCA/payment Portal)***

This class is non refundable/transferrable. Aim Steady LLC does not provide refunds. Students must be on time to class. A $25 Rescheduling fee will apply to all reschedules that are a result of lateness. Students will be allowed one (1) reschedule.

Tuition does not include Range fees. Range fees ($50) are collected on the first day of class. No students will permitted on the range without a range fee being collected in class (Day 1) and being able to recite the 4 Universal Safety Laws.

Must be 21 and free of felonies and certain misdemeanors to obtain HGP Licensing (CCW). Students 18 and over may apply for an HQL. Click below for more info https://mdsp.maryland.gov/Documents/State%20Prohibitors.pdf

It is the students responsibility to make sure that they are are within the requirements for obtaining a permit in the state they wish to apply in. Students will not receive a refund if they have registered for a seat in the classroom for any reason other than the instructor canceling class. 

 If instructor feels for any reason that the student is aggressive, or acting in a way throughout the certification process that does not model responsible firearm ownership the instructor will not approve the training and a refund will not be issued. 

Students are allowed one (1) opportunity to reschedule provided they give advance notice to the instructor of an emergency/illness within 48 hours of the beginning of class. A $25 dollar rescheduling fee will apply. 

ALL Rescheduling is based on seat availability.

If you are sick or have been exposed to Covid19, or are experiencing a medical emergency please let the instructor know. Please be prepared to show a positive covid test/proof if requested.

Tuition fee does not guarantee certification. Students must be able to safely handle a firearm and be familiar with the safety fundamentals of firearm ownership. All students are required to take the Maryland Shooting Qualification which will be taken on Day 2 of the selected course. If you do not pass the shooting qualification you may take the qual again one (1) time on a future Sunday that the Instructor has Range Qualifications for a $50 re-qual fee (based on available seats). If requesting a date that is not on the calendar a $135 fee will be required to schedule. 

This agreement along with a registration form is required to be signed by all students at the beginning of each class. By signing you are agreeing and bound to the terms therein.